Monday, October 20, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

This comes from Peggy's blog, The Simple Woman. For other's daybooks and more, go take a look!

For TODAY Monday, October 20, 2008

Outside My Window...
The windows are wet, due to the frost we had last night. It was 28 this morning!

I am thinking...
I better do my menu planning and work invoices today!

I am thankful for...
Heat…I’m freezing!

From the kitchen...
On tonight’s menu, meatloaf (part turkey, part ground beef) with mashed potatoes and gravy with peas. Something comforting on a cold day!

I am wearing...
One of my blue fleece warm up suits and socks.

I am creating...
Space for my decorations…got the boxes out of storage, need room for them!

I am going...
Nowhere today. Out for a walk later.

I am reading...
Assualt and Pepper by Tamar Myers

I am hoping...
My boss’s meeting goes well tomorrow.

I am hearing...
The TV.

Around the house...
Three loads of laundry to be done. Rest of the house is clean, whoot!

One of my favorite things...
Saturday…we spent the morning in bed, just watching tv…does NOT happen often, we both totally needed it!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Tomorrow is the library and maybe stop by the new Goodwill.
Thank you notes.
Walmart run.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
From our first dance...


Maggie Ann said...

28 degrees...oooh, thats cold. With colder weather just around the corner for us...cozy is my favorite word. Even at 60, I love to go to the library and GoodWill. Thats a wonderful picture you shared...

Cassidy said...

OK your picture thought takes the cake! What a wonderfully romantic, loving look in that lovely picture! What a cherished memory!!!!!!!

Blessings! Cassidy