Monday, November 10, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

Visit Peggy and the rest of us! It's so much fun to read everyone's daybooks!

FOR TODAY November 10, 2008…

Outside My Window...
The leaves are on the ground, the trees are getting bare.

I am thinking...
About PCOS, read some info online, but have to make the time to read more about it.

I am thankful for...
The doctor thinks the lump in my breast is a cyst.

From the kitchen...
Not a whole heck of a lot! I’m making chili dogs tonight with leftover chili.

I am wearing...
Gray floral sweatshirt with gray sweatpants, underoos, no socks (my feet are icicles!).

I am creating...
This post! Hahahaha!

I am going...
Nowhere today, tomorrow, I am going to get a breadmaker to replace mine that died.

I am reading...
The Complete Tightwad Gazette.

I am hoping...
That it really is a cyst!

I am hearing...
The TV on downstairs. DH took a vacation day today!

Around the house...
Two loads of laundry to do, one to fold.

One of my favorite things...
My chili, mmmmm!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Grocery shopping on Thursday. I might try a store that I’ve never been to before.
Obie is off to the groomers on Wednesday. I only get him clipped twice a year, we do it ourselves the rest of the time.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Obie riding in the car. You would THINK the cups would be uncomfortable, but he didn't seem to mind!


Jen said...

I will be praying it is only a cyst also. The picture is very cute. I enjoyed your daybook. Have a great week.

Life at the Lake said...

Thanks for sharing your daybook entry! Praying and hoping your lump is just a cyst as well! Enjoy your chili dogs - chili is on the menu at our house tonight as well.


Leah C said...

I enjoyed your daybook. Chili is one of my favorites too. :-)


*Linda Pinda* said...

Found you on the daybook today also!

Your blog name captured my immediate attention as I am a hugely disorganized woman myself! Been fighting it for 24+ years now. One thing's for sure... I'm persistant! LOL!

But you know.... there is hope! I too, like the flylady . net and like you, I have not adopted the total package, but have found bits and pieces of it to be tremendously helpful. Love the timer tip. LOVE the declutter tips!

You know what's weird? I am so disorganized, yet... I am a perfectionist!!! Those 2 things seem so contrary, but I think it's my "vision" of perfection that keeps me paralyzed from doing what needs to be done at the moment. It's like if it can't be done the way I think it should be... I just don't do it!

I am so tired of not having my home open for friends and family to gather. My son's girlfriend thought we hated her because we never let her come in!!!!! I don't want to live like this anymore.

Maybe we can encourage each other!!! I'd like that.

So happy to "meet" you.

And I too am praying that it is only a cyst.

Blessings... *Linda*

Windows Wide Open said...

Such a nice blog layout you have! I'm browsing daybook blogs today, I just found it and jumped in to join.

Adding my prayers for the cyst theory, amen.
